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Select one of the tabs below to learn more about each page and their available features
The Four Modules

*All graphs can be downloaded as a
Module 1
Used to make plots of different types based on data uploaded by the user
- Create scatter + line plots for 2-column or xy datasets
- Create scatter box plots (aka swamp plots) or violin plots for 1-column datasets
Used to make plots of different types based on data uploaded by the user
Analysis Modules:
(These make scatter + line plots using 2-column or xy datasets)-
Module 2
- Used to fit a non-linear model to direct binding data
Module 3
- Used to fit a non-linear model to competition binding data
Module 4
- Used to determine the time at which a polymerization reaction is 50% complete, and the rate of polymerization at this point
- Has 3 different analysis modes available on the "Results" page
Module 2
Available Features

Data Format Radio Buttons
(Only applicable to Module 1)-
Two-column data consists of xy pairs
A two-column dataset is used to make scatter and line plots, where:- the x values determine point position on the horizontal axis
- the y values determine point position on the vertical axis
Single-column data consists of x values only
A single-column dataset may be used to create either:
A scatter box plot, where:
- the x values determine point position on the vertical axis
- the name of the dataset determines horizontal position
A violin plot, which:
- visualizes the peaks and distribution of the x values
A scatter box plot, where:
Two-column data consists of xy pairs
Upload New File
files -
Overwrites existing content in the textarea with the uploaded datasets given that the format of file content is valid
- Uploading a file with valid data format does not require the user to click on 'Update Changes'
Upload File To Append
Also accepts
files -
Appends uploaded datasets to existing data within the textarea
- Uploading a file with valid data format does not require the user to click on 'Update Changes'
Also accepts
Example Data Dropdown
- Provides various examples of valid data that are available to use according to the selected module
Flip x & y Checkbox
Given two-column datasets, this flips the x and y values for each dataset in the text area
NOTE: The 'Update Changes' button must be clicked after flipping the xy pairs
Given two-column datasets, this flips the x and y values for each dataset in the text area
Update Changes
- Must be clicked only after making direct changes to the textarea or flipping the xy pairs on two-column datasets
Delete Selected Button
- Deletes selected data sets on the 'Data Sets' table and updates the content of the textarea accordingly
Analyze Data Button
- Navigates the user to the "Results" page given that valid data sets have been input or provided
Required Data Format
For Uploaded Files and Textarea Content
files,- All data set names must be on the first row
- Numeric x values must be directly beneath the dataset name
- Numeric y values (if present) must be immediately to the right of the x values
Figure 1: single-column datasets Figure 2: two-column datasets -
Start with the data set name and follow with rows that each correspond to numeric value/s
- For two-column datasets, separate the x and y values on each row with either a space or a tab
- Separate each data set with a new line before each data set name
*NOTE* Content of the textarea must follow the same required data format for.txt
filesFigure 3: single-column datasets Figure 4: two-column datasets -
Start with the data set name and follow with rows that each correspond to numeric value/s
Graph Customization
Scatter + Line Plots
'Customize Graph' Table
'Customize Graph' table for Module 4'Customize Graph' table for Modules 1, 2, and 3
Reference Line
(Applicable only to Module 4)- Determines which dataset's min and max actin lines to use and plot on the graph after performing actin analysis
- Toggles the display of line and scatter points for a dataset on the graph
Line Style
(only becomes available after clicking 'Fit Dataset' atop the 'Input Module Parameters' table)- Includes the following options:
- Line color
- Line type, e.g. solid/dash
- Line width
Marker Style
- Includes the following options:
- Marker color
- Marker shape
- Marker width
Reference Line
Figure Labels and Axis Settings Form
- Configure graph and axes titles
- Toggle log scale on each axis
- Change interval and range of each axis
Graph Resize Grabber
(Also available for violin plots under Module 1)- Dynamically resizes graph with a click and drag
- Found on the bottom right of the graph space
Graph Customization
Scatter Box & Violin Plots
Figure Labels Form
- Configure graph and axes titles
Other Customization Options
- Custom options in orange are for violin plots only
- Custom options in blue are for swamp or scatter box plots only
Base Custom Options
- Toggles the display of the dataset as either a bar or a violin on the graph
- Marker Color
- Marker Width
- Bar/Violin Color
- Toggles the display of a mean line for the violin that represents a dataset
- Toggles the display of markers on the violin that represents a dataset
Y Axis Scale
- Toggle linear or log scale for y axis
Min Y
- Set minimum for y axis
Max Y
- Set maximum for y axis
Bar Width
- Offers three preset sizes: Thin, Medium, Wide
- Dynamically resize width of bars on the graph and shift them accordingly on the x axis
Y Axis Scale
Tick Marks
Tick Size
- Sets the length of the ticks on both axes
Tick Spacing
(available for both swamp or scatter box plots and violin plots)- Sets the interval between each tick on the y axis
Tick Size
Error Bars
Error Bar
- Toggles the appearance of an error bar for each plotted bar on the graph based on the error method selected
- Determines the error method to use and show as an error bar for each plotted bar on the graph
- Sets the color of each error bar
- Attaches a cap on both ends of each error bar
Cap Size
- Sets the length of each cap
Cap Width
- Sets the width or thickness of each cap
Error Bar
Data Analysis
Modules 2, 3, and 4
'Input Module Parameters' Table
'Input Module Parameters' table for Module 4 -
'Analysis Mode' dropdown is only available for Module 4
Provides different preset/recommended Window2 values according to selected actin analysis mode
- Window2 determines which area of concentrated points on the plotted line to highlight on the graph
Provides different preset/recommended Window2 values according to selected actin analysis mode
Includes fields for each parameter to perform data analysis according to the selected module
- List of required parameters differ according to the selected module
'Fit Dataset' button performs data analysis using the values provided for each parameter
Successful execution of data analysis does the following:
For Modules 2 and 3
- Graph the fit lines
For Module 4
- Highlight concentration of points according to selected analysis mode and Window2 value
- Graph the min and max intensity lines based on which dataset's reference line has been selected
For Modules 2 and 3
Successful execution of data analysis does the following:
'Analysis Mode' dropdown is only available for Module 4
Computation Result Console
Console output for Module 3 Console output for Module 4 - Found below the 'Save Session' form on the "Results" page
- Outputs the results of the computation in human-readable format after clicking 'Fit Dataset'
Session/Task Retrieval Feature
Create New Task From Current Session
Form for saving current session as a task that can be retrieved Expected message for successful creation of new task -
To save current session as a retrievable task/session:
- Provide a valid session name, no more than 50 characters
- Provide a valid email address
- Click 'Save Session As' button
Retrievable task/session enables users to:
- Save their graph customization selections
- Save the parameters that they provided for any of the analysis modules
The Session Name will be appended with 'by prefix-of-email'
For example,
given session name 'Mod 1 test' and email address,
the full session name will be 'Mod 1 test by bobby'
For example,
Upon creation, saved task/session will be given a 7-day expiration date
If needed, the expiration date can be extended
(see below for more details)
If needed, the expiration date can be extended
To save current session as a retrievable task/session:
Retrieve and Save Changes to An Existing Task/Session
Expected email with task retrieval link Header on "Results" page for a saved session -
Given successful task/session creation, an email will be sent to the address provided containing the task retrieval link
- Clicking on the link will navigate the user to the "Results" page for that task/session
Selecting 'Save Session' will output a popup message to confirm the overwrite of previously saved information with current data
An option will also be given to extend the task/session for another 7 days
(e.g. the new expiration date will be 7 days from the time of the user's selection of this option)
An option will also be given to extend the task/session for another 7 days
Given successful task/session creation, an email will be sent to the address provided containing the task retrieval link